Payment & Contract Management Only

Services we provide

  • Negotiating facility, hotel, catering, and other hospitality-related contracts
  • Arranging payment for facilities, catering, and/or services for university departments engaged in recruitment and alumni and development events (including those held in international venues)
  • Establish an operational account exclusively for the event
  • Ensure compliance with all university policies
  • Issue a final, comprehensive statement summarizing all expenses paid, with accompanying back-up documentation

How to get started

When you’re ready to work with us, the first step is to complete a Payment & Contract Management Only request form. Once you've submitted your request, you and your Fiscal Officer will receive a confirmation email. We we will begin processing your request and reach out to you with updates and any questions we have.

Payment & Contract Management Request Form

We kindly ask for at least a week's notice on all requests. If you have any questions please email