Contact Us

Your conference planning partners

We are eager to help you get started on the conference and registration planning process. The earlier we get involved, the more we can help you proceed in an organized and structured way.

In some cases, you may need to prepare a proposal to host a conference and submit that to a parent organization or association. If that is the case, we can assist in the preparation of a “proposal to host” document.

See the IU Conferences staff directory

For conference management, international arrangements, or specialized services, contact:

Tami Everdene
Senior Conference Manager
IU Conferences
Phone: (812) 855-8264

For registration and revenue collection services only, contact:

Office of Conference & Registration Services
Phone: (800) 933-9330

For summer conference program services only, contact:

Jose Celis-Schmidt
Director of Virtual and Summer Programs
IU Conferences
Phone: (812) 855-9752